They can't talk, but dogs say a lot about their owners' personalities, a new study has found.
"People tend to report that their dog's personality is quite similar to
their own, but we wanted to see if these stereotypes actually stand up
to scrutiny," said study author Lance Workman, a psychologist at Bath
Spa University in the U.K.
Using an online survey, Workman and colleagues probed the personalities of 1,000 dog owners and found some surprising trends.
"Among the owners of seven breed groups, there were differences in
personality," said Workman, who is presenting the study today at the
British Psychological Society annual conference in London.
Read on to see what your canine companion says about you.
Sporting Dogs
People who owned sporting dogs, like Labrador retrievers and cocker
spaniels, appeared more agreeable and conscientious in the survey.
Labrador retrievers are the most common breed registered in the U.S., according to the American Kennel Club, or AKC. They are regarded as gentle, obedient and eager to please.
Herding Dogs
"I think people pick a dog that fits into their lifestyle," said
Workman. "If they're outgoing, they tend to want an outgoing dog. They
say, 'Yeah, that sounds like me.'"
German shepherds are the second most popular breed in the U.S. They're
fearless, but not hostile, eager and alert, according to the AKC. They
serve as watchdogs, service dogs and herding dogs.
Hound dogs

"That means calm and consistent," said Workman, who pointed out that President Lyndon Johnson had a beagle.
Beagles, known for their happy-go-lucky, family-friendly demeanor, are
the third most popular breed in America. Greyhounds are the fastest
breed, according to the AKC.
Toy Dogs

"Openness to new experiences is sometimes lumped in with intelligence,"
said Workman. "There's this view that people who own toy dogs are air
heads, so this was quite nice to see."
Celebrity toy dog owners include Paris Hilton, who has a Chihuahua named
Tinkerbell. The breed is known for its confidence and sense of self
importance, according to the AKC.
Non-Sporting Dogs
People who owned utility dogs, like English bulldogs Shar-Peis and Chow Chows, were more conscientious and extroverted.
The English bulldog, which muscled its way into the AKC's top 10 breeds
in 2008, is known for its kindness, courage and "dignified" demeanor.
They're also gentle and protective.

"Terrier owners were kind of middling," said Workman. "They weren't high or low on anything in particular."
The Staffordshire bull mixes courage and tenacity with affection for
friends, children in particular. Scottie dogs, on the other hand, "exude
ruggedness and power," according to the AKC.
Working Dogs
Like terrier owners, people who owned working dogs, such as Dobermans or schnauzers, had no standout personality traits.
"They tend to be agreeable, but most dog owners are," said Workman.
When asked whether dog owners were more agreeable than cat owners, Workman paused.
"It's really difficult to say," he said. "Some studies suggest cat
owners are more intelligent and dog owners are more social. But
obviously it's debated."
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